HCIS Songdo

About HCIS

HCIS Mascot

Pegasus, a shining symbol from Greek mythology,
represents the integrity and accountability of HCIS.
As mascot of HCIS, Pegasus embodies the core values we uphold at HCIS. Pegasus symbolizes flight and freedom, and at HCIS, we encourage our students to pursue their dreams freely and explore new ideas and possibilities. It also represents wisdom and intelligence, inspiring intellectual curiosity in our students and guiding them to make wise decisions as they grow into mature, thoughtful individuals Furthermore, Pegasus stands for teamwork and collaboration. At HCIS, we foster a collaborative environment where students work together to achieve common goals, gaining valuable experiences along the way. As the mascot of HCIS, we hope Pegasus inspires our students to embody these values. Together, let us spread our wings with Pegasus and soar towards our dreams!

Company Info

E 2-3F, 232, Central-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea
Tel. Kinder + 82 858 0008 Elementary, Secondary +82 858 0002ㅤEmail. admissions.songdo@hcis.or.kr
HCIS 어학원 3481호 | 이야짐
HCIS Songdo